Donnerstag, 7. März 2013

last Poland show @ Pilon

hey ho!!

the show on 5.3. in olsztyn was cool and the location very fancy with all the vinyl covers on the wall.
After the show we drank good polish vodka. On the backway to our sleepingplace we got stopped by the police because we didn't know that in poland it's not allowed to drink booze in publicity. So don't try it, big Brother is watching you...fortunately we got some swiss chocolate to bribe them......and they took it belive it or not!!! fuck the Police
We woke up with a hangover in Matheous living-room (check out the Band Edel Weiss Piraten) while Magda, prepared the breakfast. She's active in a Organisation called Food not Bombs, which brings Vegan food to the people. The concert was also organized by those people. We felt better and setted off straight to Torun.

In Torun we played at Pilon. The first punk club in Torun, which has a beautiful old town. There were not many people, but it was a fine concert. In the morning we went to Peter`s factory,  he have a serigraph facility and distribute shirts and patches on internet. We got freshly printed shirts. Thank you peter! We will wear the shirts with good memories.

Now we are in Warzawa and set off in the early morning hours to the ukrainian border. we hope they let us borders no nations!!!!!